An open letter to those I have met along the way

Kamila Hanum
2 min readMar 10, 2022
A quote from anime: Akira.

This letter is to everyone I have ever spoken to, those I am close with, and whom I have become distant.


How are you? I hope you are doing well wherever you are and whatever you are doing now.

Before anything else, I would like to thank all those who have come into my life. Thank you for adding color to my life. No matter how major or minor, your contribution has been.

Some of you have been there since the moment we’ve met, and others have come into my life and left without saying goodbye, or even some of those were only meant to be there temporarily from the start. No matter what category you may fall under, you still helped me along the way and I am genuinely thankful.

We’ve laughed together, talked, and even had arguments. These kinds of memories are never fade. Some memories may be pretty embarrassing, painful, and even unpleasant to remember. But from all these conversations, I was able to form my mindset.

Good or bad, every experience with you helps me grow.

I don’t know anything about life. But I know precisely that people are dynamic beings. Because people are in constant changes, even if invisible to anyone on a day-to-day daily basis. Whatever changes happen in your life, I hope it helps you become a better version of yourself.

I’m not sure what is going to happen next. But I hope you found the place you want to be in this world, I hope you can be who you are, I hope you found a job you love, I hope you can eat your favorite food, I hope you are healthy and well.

Most importantly, I hope your life is filled with happiness and the promise of good things to come.

Whoever you are, and what you ever meant to me, big or small, in kindness or hatefulness, thank you for being who you were and are to me.

I am grateful our paths ever crossed in life.



